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How to Use the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV PDF: A Free Guide for Clinicians and

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Limited research has focused on parent-only group CBT informed interventions. Studies to date have primarily focused on parents of neurotypical children. Cartwright-Hatton et al. (2011) reported that 57% of children under the age 9 were free of their primary diagnosis after completing the From Timid to Tiger program compared to 15% in the control condition. Similar positive findings were reported by Thirlwall et al. (2013) which found that a fully guided parent CBT program led to 50% of children being free from their primary anxiety diagnosis compared to 39% being diagnosis free in a shorter brief guided CBT group. These and other findings (Cobham et al., 2017; Salari et al., 2018) have indicated the clinical utility of parent-led CBT groups in addressing child anxiety. To date, there has been limited research into parent-led approaches for children diagnosed with ASD struggling with anxiety disorders, with much of the research to date focusing on interventions combining both parent and child components (Driscoll et al., 2020; Reaven et al., 2015). The findings regarding parent-led approaches have been somewhat mixed. Cook et al. (2019) reported on a parent-led approach for young children with high functioning ASD and anxiety. At post-treatment no treatment effects were found on child or parent measures but at 3-month follow-up, children demonstrated a reduction on internalizing measures. A further feasibility and acceptability study (Rodgers et al., 2017) comprising of 11 parents reported on the effectiveness of an intervention group in reducing Intolerance of Uncertainty (IU). Findings indicated that parents reported significant reductions in terms of parent reported child anxiety and parent self-report IU and general mental health, with effect sizes in the moderate to large range. The mixed findings to date suggest that further work is required in optimising parental engagement in parent-only programs and child outcomes (Creswell et al., 2020).

As researchers in the field of childhood anxiety, we attempt to improve our theoretical understanding and treatment efficacy for the benefit of youth suffering from anxiety disorders. Most treatment manuals are currently based on cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), which is a well-established and effective treatment. The percentage of children who become free of all anxiety disorders after CBT is estimated to be 59 % (James et al. 2013). Within-group effect sizes range from d = 0.74 for child self-report to d = 1.06 for parent-reported anxiety decreases (Ishikawa et al. 2007). Although results are encouraging, we must acknowledge that approximately 40 % of children receiving CBT do not respond sufficiently. This highlights the need for improvement in our treatment approach. Within the childhood literature, several attempts have been made to improve CBT programs. For example, some have added a family component, investigating if family CBT would be superior to individual CBT. However, findings are equivocal, and a firm positive effect of including parents has yet to be established (Breinholst et al. 2012).

anxiety disorders interview schedule for dsm-iv pdf free download

All four children and their parents completed the course of therapy, suggesting that the intervention was acceptable. At posttreatment, participants 2, 3 and 4 were free of all anxiety disorders. Participant 1 continued to fulfil criteria for GAD, specific phobia and social phobia; however, the CSR of GAD had dropped from 8 to 5. At follow-up, participant 1 continued to meet criteria for specific phobia. Participants 2 and 3 were free of all disorders. Follow-up data for participant 4 is missing. Three months following posttreatment, participant 4 had changed school and experienced difficulties with peer relations. His mother was very anxious that her behaviour would cause him to experience a severe relapse. Therefore he and his mother received individual treatment outside the current project; participant 4 received social skills training. This treatment took place during the follow-up period, resulting in lack of follow-up data for participant 4.

Companion Child and Parent Interviews are designed to help you diagnose children with emotional disorder, where anxiety is a prominent component. Problem behaviors and diagnoses include school refusal behavior, separation anxiety, social phobia, specific phobia, panic disorder, agoraphobia, OCD, and PTSD. Assessment of ADHD allow for differentiation of inattentive type, hyperactive-impulsive type, and combined type. Interview questions in the Child Interview are specifically designed to be sensitive and understandable at varied age levels. The Child and Parent Interview Schedules for the ADIS for DSM-IV:C are each semistructured interviews organized diagnostically to permit differential diagnoses among all of the DSM-IV anxiety disorders. In addition, sections for assessing mood and externalizing disorders are included to allow comprehensive assessment of a child's full diagnostic picture. These sections are particularly important for evaluation of comorbidity patterns that often accompany anxiety disorders. The diagnostic sections of the Child and Parent Interview Schedules allow sufficient information with which to formulate a thorough treatment plan for the child's presenting problems. The Child and Parent Interview Schedules both contain comprehensive sections for assessing the functions and patterns of school refusal behavior, a serious behavioral complication often accompanying anxiety disorders in youth. Screening sections have been included in the Interview Schedules for assessing substance abuse, psychosis, selective mutism, eating disorders, somatoform disorders, and specific developmental and learning disorders of childhood and adolescence. Price is for a set of 10 Child Interview Schedules.

A diagnostic assessment will be used to establish if the young person reaches diagnostic criteria for any anxiety disorders (including panic disorder) and mood disorders and to determine the primary presenting problem. A structured diagnostic interview will be carried out at baseline and 3-month follow-up. The anxiety section of the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule (ADIS-C/P [45];) will be used to determine whether the young person meets diagnostic criteria for any anxiety disorders, including panic disorder, and/or behavioural disorders, and to establish a clinician rating of severity for each disorder (CSR). The pre-treatment diagnosis with the highest CSR will be classed as the primary diagnosis. All final diagnoses and CSRs will be determined by consensus with a supervisor with proven reliability. Additionally, mood disorders will be assessed using the relevant sections of the Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (K-SADS [46];), which is a structured diagnostic interview for DSM-IV affective disorders and schizophrenia.

The wide variability in lifetime and 12-month prevalence estimates of major depression is presumably due to a combination of substantive (genetic vulnerability and environmental risk factors) and measurement (cultural differences in the acceptance and meaning of items, and the psychometric properties of the instruments) factors. Differences in study design might also be involved. That is, apart from administering a common interview schedule, the surveys were not designed as replications with a standard protocol for translation, interviewer training, sampling and quality control. More recently, the WHO World Mental Health (WMH) Survey Initiative conducted a coordinated series of studies using a common protocol and a common instrument, the WHO CIDI, version 3.0 [10], to assess a set of DSM-IV disorders in countries from every continent [11]. The 12-month prevalence of DSM-IV major depressive episode (MDE) in 18 countries ranged from 2.2% (Japan) to 10.4% (Brazil) [12]. The mid-point across all countries was similar to that in previous surveys (5%), as was the weighted average 12-month prevalence for the ten high-income (5.5%) and eight low- to middle-income (5.9%) countries.

The primary outcome measure will be diagnostic status of the primary anxiety disorder measured with ADIS-IV-C/P [35]. ADIS-IV-C/P is a structured interview conducted with both child and parents designed to assess for current episodes of anxiety disorders, and to permit differential diagnosis among the anxiety disorders according to DSM-IV criteria. Further to the assessment of anxiety disorders, the ADIS-IV-C/P allows for assessment of other disorders such as depression, dysthymia, oppositional disorder, conduct disorder, and ADHD. In this study, only the sections regarding anxiety disorders along with OCD, depression, and dysthymia will be assessed.


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