Colin Pickard is mostly correct, but don't confuse the "password to open" protection for the entire file with the VBA password protection, which is completely different from the former and is the same for Office 2003 and 2007 (for Office 2007, rename the file to .zip and look for the vbaProject.bin inside the zip). And that technically the correct way to edit the file is to use a OLE compound document viewer like CFX to open up the correct stream. Of course, if you are just replacing bytes, the plain old binary editor may work.
2.copy binary from crack dir over
Often times on an engagement I find myself needing to copy a tool or a payload from my Kali linux attack box to a compromised Windows machine. As a perfect example, on a recent pentest, I found a vulnerable ColdFusion server and was able to upload a CFM webshell. It was a very limited, non-interactive shell and I wanted to download and execute a reverse Meterpreter binary from my attack machine. I generated the payload with Veil but needed a way to transfer the file to the Windows server running ColdFusion through simple commands.
Note that using a potfile is very different from the idea which you have in mind when you are used to use --remove. Having a hashlist with only uncracked hashes is fine, but with potfile you can do the same if you use the --left switch. For example, if your cracking session is finished and you want to have a left list, you simply run:
Keyspace is the term used to refer to the number of possible combinations for a specified attack. In hashcat, it has a special meaning that is not exactly the same as the usual meaning. The output of --keyspace is designed to be used to distribute cracking, i.e. you can use the value from --keyspace and divide it into x chunks (best would be if the chunk size depends on the performance of your individual nodes if they are different) and use the -s/-l parameters for distributed cracking.
Imagine that you have a large hashlist with 100 salts. This will reduce your guessing speed by a factor of 100. Once all hashes bound to a given salt are cracked, hashcat notices this and skips over that specific salt. This immediately increases the overall performance, because now the guessing speed is only divided by 99. If you crack another salt, the speed is divided by 98, and so on. That's why it's useful to tell hashcat about cracked hashes while it's still running.
For instance, you could simply output the cracks from hashcat-legacy (with the --outfile option) to the *.outfiles directory, and hashcat will notice this immediately (depending on --outfile-check-timer).
Just to make this clear: We can crack passwords up to length 55, but in case we're doing a combinator attack, the words from both dictionaries can not be longer than 31 characters. But if the word from the left dictionary has the length 24 and the word from the right dictionary is 28, it will be cracked, because together they have length 52.
That is because hashcat legacy does not sort out double hashes of the input hashlist. If you have multiple times the same hash in your hashlist it will always crack only the first. This means, even if you use --remove, it's possible that you end up with a hashlist that contains a cracked hash. To avoid such problems make sure you remove duplicate hashes from your hashlist before your run it with hashcat legacy.
Mimikatz (1) is a big-name tool in penetration testing used to dump credentials from memory on Windows. As a penetration tester, this method is invaluable for lateral and vertical privilege escalation in Windows Active Directory environments and is used on nearly every internal penetration test. Because of its popularity, the Mimikatz executable and PowerShell script are detected by the majority of Antivirus (AV) solutions out there. This post will cover several alternative methods to achieve the same goal without the need for modifying Mimikatz to evade AV, as well as some methods for preventing and detecting this attack.
This is a good method to use if you do your primary testing from a Windows machine, otherwise, you have to copy the dump file over to a Windows machine to run Mimikatz. Make sure to create an exception folder for Windows Defender on the machine you are using Mimikatz on or Defender will quarantine your Mimikatz executable. Run Mimikatz and use the following commands to extract credentials from your LSASS Dump file:
If an organization disables WDigest and creates alerting on WDigest being re-enabled, this forces an attacker to crack NTLM hashes or use pass-the-hash techniques. Disabling and/or alerting on pass-the-hash techniques then makes LSASS dumping attacks far less effective, as it reduces the attack surface of LSASS dumping to the ability to crack dumped NTLM credentials. Disabling/preventing pass-the-hash techniques is a complex topic and will not be covered in depth by this post. For further information, check out these white papers.
There is a setuid binary in the homedirectory that does the following: it makes a connection to localhost on the port you specify as a commandline argument. It then reads a line of text from the connection and compares it to the password in the previous level (bandit20). If the password is correct, it will transmit the password for the next level (bandit21).
The /restorehealth command can be tricky to use. Because it can actually repair a Windows image, it needs a source from which to attempt such repairs. You can omit the /source option, but if you do, the command will try to grab its files from Windows Update over the internet. This may or may not work, depending on firewall settings on your network.
To override the default configuration path (/.influxdbv2/), use the new --v2-config-path option to specify the output path to the v2 configuration file (config.toml). For details, see Upgrade from InfluxDB 1.x to InfluxDB 2.0. 2ff7e9595c